
“Cloud Atlas” Gets A Wonderful New Trailer

Say what you will about the Matrix sequels, but you can’t deny that The Matrix is one of the single most influential films of the last fifteen years. And even though it bombed upon its release I firmly believe Speed Racer will be a watershed film that will be a major touchstone for the filmmakers of 2030 and beyond.

The Wachowski siblings are at it again with Cloud Atlas, the ambitious adaptation of David Mitchell’s landmark novel of the same name. This is quickly becoming my most anticipated film of the year.

Here’s the film’s official logline:

An exploration of how the actions of individual lives impact one another in the past, present and future, as one soul is shaped from a killer into a hero, and an act of kindness ripples across centuries to inspire a revolution.

Cloud Atlas arrives on October 26th, 2012.

John Shannon

John Shannon studied Creative Writing at the University of Maine where he also served as a film critic for the Maine Campus Newspaper. He currently resides in the greater Portland area of Southern Maine where he works by day and watches film by night. He can be reached via email at and followed on Twitter @JohnWShannon


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