Short Film Review: Greg’s Guardian Angel (2012)

In these trying times, I’m sure we have all wished we’ve had a guardian angel, someone who looks out for us, tries to lead on the right path.
Then again, if you’re like Greg in the hysterical comedy short ”Greg’s Guardian Angel”, you’d be very happy to do without a guardian angel.
In this sharp comedic short, from the partnership of All Things Random and Phalanx Film and Video, we meet nice guy Greg (Greg Vorob) who goes about his days living an ordinary life, working for the Spatco firm, run by Thaddeus Pierpont Longshaft III (Jack Moran) and Elliott Schmaven (Timothy J. Cox). Life is normal for Greg, but when he is suddenly visited by his guardian angel (Elmer J. Santos), life begins to get pretty interesting for Greg. At first, the angel’s ”assistance” proves helpful. Through the angel, Greg makes impressions on Longshaft and Schmaven, but also with the office hottie Monica (Caitlin Winter). Greg snags a much desired date with Monica, but it’s on that date that the angel’s assistance proves not to be much in the way of help, but meddling. The date is a disaster and it only gets worse for poor Greg from there.
A well made and very funny comedy short, ”Greg’s Guardian Angel” soars to success because of a genuinely humorous idea, sharply delivered by Dan Conrad, whose script is absolutely winning and from director Dan Kowalski.
On the acting front, Greg Vorob proved a likable everyman, someone we can relate to and get behind, while Jack Moran and Caitlin Winter scored points in their brief appearances as Longshaft and Monica, respectively. Speaking of scoring points, an unrecognizable Timothy J. Cox, with shaved head and dark hair, did just that in his funny turn as the always grinning Elliott Schmaven. Best of all was Elmer J. Santos, who was splendid as the angel. With a pair of Buddy Holly glasses and one of the richest, clearest speaking voices since Michael Buffer, Santos’ angel was a constant source of laughter from start to finish. A real hoot!
According to IMDB, All Things Random and Phalanx Film & Video have collaborated on several projects over the years and according to the reviews that this new film has already garnered, it seems that the partnership has been and will hopefully continue to be, a prosperous one.
For information on ”Greg’s Guardian Angel”, please visit the films’ official website:
Review by Kent Stockton