Edward Norton ponders “The Bourne Legacy”

As Universal looks with jealous eyes at Warner Bros, Disney, and 20th Century Fox and their numerous successful franchises, they continue to pin their hopes on the Fast and Furious and Bourne films. While the Fast crew are more than happy to return again and again for each installment, Matt Damon and director Paul Greengrass have left the field of Bourne for greener pastures. In their place Universal has set Jeremy Renner as the new spy unable to remember his name, and tapped Tony Gilroy to direct.
Variety is reporting Edward Norton (25th Hour, Incredible Hulk) is in talks talks to join The Bourne Legacy as the film’s villain. One wonders if he’ll be seen as a villain to the production staff as well. Norton is notoriously unsatisfied with merely acting in a movie. He usually attempts to rewrite them (as was the case with Hulk) or re-edit them (as he did with American History X). His dismissal from Marvel Pictures was fairly ugly and public, so perhaps he’ll be on his best behavior this time out.