An Interview With Derek Mears

Derek Mears is a fierce talent in the horror genre. People know or rather should know him as “Jason” from Friday the 13th (2009), The Hills Have Eyes II, Masters of horror, Predators, Cursed (2005) and Pirates of Caribbean (on Stranger Tides). You may have caught him on TV as well; he was on shows like My Name is Earl, Community and Sarah Silverman among others.
During the Horrorfind Convention, I had the chance to talk to Derek, while he had a moment between meeting fans, to talk about his convention experience.
Rachael: Hey Derek, How is the weekend going?
Derek – Good, great, never better, loving it.
Rachael: How do you like doing conventions?
Derek – I love doing them. It’s always great meeting the fans.
Rachael: How do the horror fans treat you?
Derek – The thing about the fans; it’s like a special community of people that just love horror movies and you can really have great conversations with them about it.
Rachael: Do you have a favorite or memorable fan moment?
Derek – Well, one time when I did Texas Frightmare, there was a couple and their 6-year old boy got an autograph. We were talking and discovered that me and their son were sharing a same birthday that same weekend. Later that day, the kid and his parents came back and he handed me a picture with his autograph that said, “Happy Birthday” on it. I thought that was adorable.
Another time a teacher who was a fan came up to me asking if I would sign a picture for his class. So I wrote, “You better listen to your teacher or I am going to come by”. That next year the teacher sent me a picture signed by the class, it was really funny. That’s the best moments I remember right now.
Rachael: Any future Con plans?
Rachael: What projects are you working on?

Derek – “Arena” is about to be released in Oct. with Samuel L. Jackson. Nina Dobev (Vampire Dairies), Kullen Lutz directed by, Jonah Loop.
Also, I have Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters coming out next year with Jeremy Renner, Zoe Bell, Famke Janssen and Gemma Arterto and directed by Tommy Wirkola who also directed “Deadsnow”.
Rachael: How are the horror fans treating you at conventions?
Derek – Trust no one, I am just waiting for the shore to drop (lol). No really, everyone is extremely nice and like I mentioned earlier these fans are a special community of fans that know and love their horror and have been nothing but great to me at every show.
Rachael: Do you still keep in contact with your F13 family?
Derek – Oh yeah, we keep in contact. We just got together recently. I love hanging out with everyone.
Rachael: Since we are at a horror convention I have to ask, what is your favorite horror movie?
Derek– Honestly it’s Friday the 13th, I mean I loved that movie before it became a franchise.
Rachael: If there is another Friday the 13th would you be interested in putting on that mask again?
Derek – Would love to do the next F13 if asked
Rachael: I know I asked you all horror/convention questions so I would like to ask one fun off-track question. Anything you can tell us about yourself?
Derek – I do Improv comedy, so if you’re ever in LA you can probably find me in one of the local places performing.
Rachael: Thanks Derek for taking a time to talk to me. : )
Derek – No problem
Rachael: If people want to see what you’re up to, how should they do that?

Derek– I have a twitter account that I use so people can follow me there @Derek_Mears
Also, Facebook ~ “The Official Derek Mears Fanpage” which I run as well.
Make sure you check out his IMBD page which will give you a full history and update of films you can see him in.
*Writers Opinion* After speaking with Derek you would not think of him as the scary Jason from F13, he is really quite friendly and funny. You spend 10 minutes with him and he will have you laughing non-stop. His work speaks for itself, so no need to sell you on him. But I look forward to what comes next with Derek because I know there is a lot more we’re gonna see of him. So if you see Derek at a show, don’t be scared or shy, he truly is a great guy and you don’t want to miss your chance to meet him.
By Rachael Tedeschi
Another great one =) youa re knocking these right outta the ballpark. Clear and concise Q and A’s and skipping the “I LOVE U SOOOOO MUCH” stuff a lot of people tend to do. Looking at his IMDB I can see thsi guy has been involved in everything including one of my favorite shows The Shield. Great job gurl =)