Actor Cameron Cowperthwaite Talks About His Work In American Horror Stories And American Horror Story

Cameron Cowperthwaite is an actor from Wilmington, Delaware who started his acting career when he moved to Los Angeles, California in 2014. He studied with Howard Fine in his Master Class. He has many different projects under his belt, including the notable television shows American Horror Story, American Horror Stories, The Deuce, NCIS, Shameless, Animal Kingdom, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Criminal Minds, Station 19, and Feud: Bette and Joan. I first saw Cameron in American Horror Story, which I enjoyed.. but I also remember his work in the horror collect film Pledge. He is now in the second season of American Horror Stories, in the episode titled Necro, which is currently airing on Hulu. Learn more about Cameron and his experience working on his latest project below:
Wendy Shepherd: Hi Cameron, thanks for doing this interview!
Cameron Cowperthwaite: Thank you so much for taking the time!!
WS: You were cast in the American Horror Story show in the role of Speed Wagon; how did you get involved with that show?
CC: I have been so blessed to work with Ryan Murphy a handful of times. It is always the greatest on-set experience, and when I was working with him on Feud: Bette and Joan, I got to meet him for the first time, and we got along really well. A couple of months later, I got a phone call to come back and work with him again to play the role of Speedwagon, and it was one of the greatest calls of my career! And shooting that series at that time when Trump had just found his way to Office was so real and also very cathartic.
WS: What is the most memorable part of your experience filming the American Horror Story show?
CC: I think the most memorable part was being killed by the Queen herself: Sarah Paulson. She was magnetic, and I learned a lot from watching her work. I was so excited to be around talented people like her, Evan, and Billie. I was blown away by how they commanded a room, and I loved getting to play in the sandbox with them!
WS: You’re in the second season of the American Horror Stories episode titled “Necro” what can you tell us about your character? What can fans expect?
CC: Now that the episode has aired, I can say more! Charlie, to me, was a tight-wire act. I wanted to showcase something disturbed but also grounded and real. I love playing that role. It was fun to dive into the topic of death because I think it’s a subject we don’t talk much about but all have to deal with. It was nice to be on the side of the conversation that wanted to speak about the sensitive subject. This fucked up Romeo and Juliet was a really fun twist on a love story at the most deranged level, and I hope those who haven’t seen it yet get caught up with the twists and turns. I got to see the episode and was really, really happy with how it turned out.
WS: Sometimes horror films/shows have strange or scary stories about things that happen on set. Did anything weird happen during filming? What was it like working with Ryan Murphy and your co-stars on the “Necro” episode?
CC: No! I know those crazy Poltergeist stories, but we had none of those! This set was so so so so fun. I loved working with Crystal, who wrote it, and Logan, who directed it. They were so warm and wonderful to be around. I felt so safe to explore within the world they set up. Madison and Spencer, my co-stars, were a treat to work with as well. I felt like I was surrounded by insanely talented people, and we were so bonded by the crazy shoot schedule. Definitely, people I will hold dear for the rest of my life! Ryan Murphy sets up amazing teams of people to execute his projects. He has been an incredible creative partner when we’ve worked together, and I adore that man. He is so loyal, and it’s nice to see many of the same faces from project to project.
WS: Where did filming for the episode take place? Did you take anything from filming home with you?
CC: I TRIED! I never succeed, I feel like. I keep trying to steal the name cover on my casting chair! I can’t wait till I succeed in this endeavor, haha! And I was happy we shot in Los Angeles, where I live. I am such a homebody, so it’s really, really hard when I have to leave to film because I love my bed so much.
WS: Do you have any favorite episodes of either American Horror Story or American Horror Stories? If so, which ones and why did you enjoy them?
CC: I love the show, so it is hard to pick. I remember watching the first two seasons on Wednesday nights with my college roommates, and we would all leave the living room so freaked out. It was such a trip to then one day be a part of the nightmare! But I love the whole first season cause…… i mean…. come on, the pilot of Hotel is fucking insane, and I love Necro. Honestly, it was one of the best experiences, and I can’t believe I got to see my name in that famous font. I love this show!
WS: What is the first horror movie that affected you?
CC: The Thing, 1974, John Carpenter, is the best horror film ever made, in my opinion. That still makes me sleep with the lights on, and the practical effects hold up today!
WS: What do you like to dress up for during Halloween?
CC: I love doing duo or group costumes. If I can tag team a pair of costumes or a group thing, it makes me so happy I think when I can get my friends to all commit to doing that, it’s a good memory!
Thanks again for the time!
WS: Follow Cameron Cowperthwaite on Instagram at