
“Jack and Jill” (2011) – A Trailer Review


Jack and Jill is a comedy film starring Adam Sandler in a dual role as brother sister fraternal twins.

PLOT: 6/10

The plot revolves around Jack Murray (Sandler) and Jill Bristow (Sandler), fraternal twins. When Jill comes to visit Jack during Thanksgiving, Jack is hesitant as his sister annoys and irritates him.

MUSIC: 7/10

The music went along with the trailer and helped provide comedic feel.

CAST: 7/10

The cast features Adam Sandler, Katie Holmes, Al Pacino and is said to even feature Johnny Depp in a cameo. The cast is made up to invoke a comedic feel and provides this well.

TOTAL: 6.6/10

The film isn’t my ideal comedy and is filled with laughs of which seem to be towards an immature level mind. The humor is there, but it treats the audience as if it needs the cheap laugh to find joy in a film. Overall, I shall likely give it a view, but Jack and Jill doesn’t seem to be a film that will stick with me.

Trailer review by Kale Slade

Kale Slade

Kale Slade has written for Movie Vine and Entertainment Vine for four years. Striving to do what he can to aid filmmakers in promoting and crafting their projects, he enjoys lending a hand when he can. He also enjoys horseback riding, photography, writing poetry and novels and spending time in nature, experiencing the beauties of life.

One Comment

  1. I feel the need to point out that Adam Sandler CLEARLY kills a pony in this trailer. Is this a new low for him?

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