
Hunt vs Lauda: Documentary

Hunt v Lauda F1’s Greatest Racing Rivals is an account of the exciting 1976 Grand Prix season about the battle between the Ferrari and McLaren Race teams. The story is told with some firsthand accounts from Ferrari’s Daniele Audetto and others about the British born James Hunt and Austrian born Niki Lauda in the season’s legendary battle for 1st place dominance.

The documentary covers the trials and tribulations of Niki Lauda and the almost life ending accident where he almost burned to death and his comeback to finish the season in 4 weeks. It also delves into the lascivious lifestyle of James Hunt and his on track ambition for winning and off the track partying.

Anyone who is a fan of Grand Prix or of racing period will enjoy learning about what happened to these men in their journey to the finish line.


I like to tell stories about real life situations, but with a twist to get your attention or make you laugh. Whichever comes first! I am a balloon sculptor and party decorator on the side who has a very wild imagination. As a teen I attended the Kilpatrick-Cambridge Theater Arts School and I’ve done limited acting in plays because my interest was mostly in computers. I realized I like watching movies more than being in one at an early age. I love reading and I would love to write a book about my life one day. I know you’re wondering if she’s really that interesting to have a book about her. Well, just wait and see…
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