So you have been voted one of the sexiest women in the world, have traveled the world, worked and played in some of this earths most pristine locations! Life must be all about poolside bars, sunbathing on exotic beaches with martini in hand, your every whim catered too, Right?
Wrong! Try some of this workload on for size: After obtaining top rankings in the modelling world, with covers for 30 magazines, inside layouts and interviews with Maxim, and Playboy, 30 national commercials including Pepsi, Saturn, Volkswagen, Del Taco, Wet & Wild Cosmetics, Audi, Coca-Cola and Visa, major advertising campaigns for Harley Davidson swimwear etc. etc. and the list goes on; Chanel Ryan is clearly in the upper echelon of in-demand models.
While true Chanel Ryan is one of the sexiest women in the world and has enjoyed some amazing experiences it takes so much more than being beautiful to establish your worth to your peers and yourself. Which is why she has worked hard on her acting and film production career to make the transition from modeling to acting as smoothly as possible. In a little over a two year period Ryan has immersed herself totally into the film industry, cut her teeth on indie and evolving into bigger budget productions.
“it truly was like attending Film School, with some of the greatest hands on set experience, taught by great mentors, when you belong or work in the Indie Film community”exults Ryan “It is all about being a committed, dedicated, adaptable, team player, multi-tasker with all having the same goal; to produce the highest quality film we can. Of course it is the same objective as commercial film projects but the budgets are light years apart!” She was telling me via phone from Los Angeles the night before her film “Bad Kids Go To Hell” was to be premiered in LA.

Ryan plays a teacher in the comedic/thriller/horror flick and has to try to fend off and deal with the hormone injected teenage angst of some demon like graduates to be. As Ryan tells it “I PLAY “MS GLEASON” THE CHEERLEADING COACH/HISTORY TEACHER IN “BAD KIDS GO TO HELL”. IT IS BEING CALLED A COMBINATION OF “THE BREAKFAST CLUB” MEETS “THE GRUDGE”. ‘MS GLEASON” IS LOADED WITH SCHOOL SPIRIT, IN A SCHOOL WHERE THERE IS ZERO SCHOOL SPIRIT. SHE IS THE ONLY PERSON WHO THINKS “HEAD MASTER NASH”, PLAYED BY JUDD NELSON, IS COOL! ” It takes place on a stormy Saturday afternoon, six students from Crestview Academy begin to meet horrible fates as they serve out their detentions. Is a fellow student to blame, or perhaps Crestview’s alleged ghosts are behind the terrible acts?
Check out the trailer at http://www.badkidsgotohell.com/2/badkidsfb/fb_video.html where you can find the selected theatres it opens up at on December 7th, 2012.( If your city/town is not there, click the link to request it.). It opens in Canada, in Toronto on December 14th, and new theatres are being added on an almost daily basis.

Interesting to note and the complete opposite of what you would expect from an oft photographed model, veteran commercial actress is the degree of nerves Ryan was experiencing prior to the premiere. ” I have only seen the last 20 minutes of the film, so it makes me nervous to watch myself for the first time in front of an audience” laughs Ryan, “I am my own worst critic!”
Even Ryan, as sexy and beautiful as she is, is down with the need to continually keep herself versed in the ever changing world of technology/Social Media. I am also working on another horror/thriller/mystery for early in 2013 called “Twisted”. “I am one of the leads and also involved as a producer”, said Ryan. On top of that she is constantly training ,upgrading acting techniques with workshops and classes including voice. “It is any actors folly to not continuously upgrade their skill set and to be taking full advantage of the promotional/marketing venues available through Social Media” says Ryan.
Chanel Ryan is a long way from her home state of Pennsylvania, but is loving life based out of Los Angeles. She has a busy slate ahead of her and looking ahead to 2013 with great zest. Two productions straight ahead are “Skum Rocks” a Rockumentary spoof narrated by Alice Cooper with cameos from legendary musicians, A-list actors, TV stars, Victoria Secret models and even a few wrestlers & reality stars. It is the unbelievable true story of the band that gained massive east coast popularity in the late 1980s despite having a complete lack of musical talent and ambition. Ryan plays the lead singer of the band “Skum’s” disgruntled ex-girlfriend “Ashley X”. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2434688/ Then there is Jonas Akerlund’s “Small Apartments” with James Caan and Billy Crystal. Ryan plays “Swiss Miss” and appears to Matt Lucas in dream sequences.
Ryan is also excited about “Crimson Saints” which was shot in Texas late spring of 2012. The film deals with a mass murder committed in the small town of Schilling Fields, Texas and a battle between a band of white supremacists and a religious cult.” I am one of the film’s producers as well as lead actress. I play Mary-Ellen Roberts a white trash Southern girl using religion to get what she wants” said Ryan.
So with a very active career in both film and modelling, Ryan still finds the time to be actively involved in ensuring animals rights are constantly in the public’s eye. In her spare time she devotes herself to animal charities including: Best Friends and the Stray Cat Alliance. She has been involved in Animal Rescue events and each year she has been able to produce a swimsuit calendar, sold in stores and a various publicity events, with a portion of sales earmarked for the support of animal charities.
Please check out the links below for additional information on Chanel Ryan:
By Jim Lavoie