I don’t use the adjective “gorgeous” lightly. In fact, I can only think of two or three occasions when the word escaped my lips/pen. But damn this trailer is gorgeous.
After his last directorial effort Indiana Jones and the Infinite Eye Rolling disappointed fans around the globe, Spielberg seems to have gotten right back on the horse (HA!) and delivered something truly noteworthy.
Based upon the children’s book by Michael Murpugo and the 2007 stage play of the same name, War Horse is pegged by many as the film to beat this year when it comes to the Academy Awards. Set during World War I the film echoes ET, Saving Private Ryan, Schindler’s List, and Jaws. So basically all of Spielberg’s greats rolled into one massive flick.
This isn’t the only Spielberg film we’ll be getting this winter. The Adventures of Tin Tin, the long gestating adaptation of Hergé’s famed comic series, is set to reach screens on December 23rd.
War Horse opens on Christmas Day.