Bleeding Cool has an interview with Rupert Wyatt, the director of Rise of the Planet of the Apes, and while chatting he discussed his ideas for a sequel:
“There’s so much we could do… The ideas I’ve had are all sorts of things, ranging from Full Metal Jacket with apes… you could start this story again eight years from where we left off, the next generation of apes, those that have come from our protagonists, perhaps going in to a conflict with humans and showing real fear, in the same way as going into war for young soldiers in this day and age, telling their story. Or how apes are taking over cities, and being moved into human environments and having to interact with them and deal with things that are part of our culture and understand and evolve through them. Spies that are in the employ of the apes, working against humans and humans maybe existing underground, because that’s a way they can avoid the virus, coming up above ground wearing gas masks, and maybe that’s what dehumanises them.”
These all sound like excellent ideas, particularly when it comes to explicitly depicting the fall out of the first film’s events and the long haul that ends with apes ruling the planet.
I haven’t seen Rise of the Planet of the Apes yet, but I have heard nothing but good things, and positive word of mouth has helped the film grow from it’s $54 million opening with an additional $6.7 million made yesterday. The film is looking to make nearly $100 million in its first week, and when put against its $98 million budget legitimate talk of a sequel will surely commence between Wyatt and 20th Century Fox.